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Old December 2nd, 2003, 01:02 PM

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Default Re: Racial Specific Pretenders (Limitations)

Originally posted by Zen:
***** Queen is like a slightly improved Arch-Mage. Which isn't saying alot.

I'd always take a ***** Queen over an Archmage if I had the option, though I don't know if I'd take the ***** Queen as Man, but maybe as Vanheim.

40 Cost, 1 Dominion, 0 Magic Picks, 10 Pick per new.

Decent stats and calls 'wolves' to battle with her.

The Arco and 3 other Races that are allowed the Natarajah are not what I'm talking about .

Skratti is like a big Arch-mage. 50 Cost, 1 Dominion, 0 Magic Picks, 10 Pick per new.

Maybe what I'm missing is the use of the "Arch-mage" type of Pretenders. Does everyone use them from time to time?

I find their low Domininon unattractive and the lowered stats (especially HP) a deterant.
Their biggest problem is the low Dominion, and now (in Dom2) their little (if at all..) Bless effect. So they are more usable for races that doesn't need high dominions and have few (or no) blessed troops - Ulm and Arco for example
But low HP isn't an issue when you just don't plan to ever fight
A rainbow mage is used for research, site search, casting of rituals and item construction from all the paths, not combat. They start with avg 2 levels in each path, but can get to 4-5 with items and a little empowerement.

In fact I prefer to play a RB over a trampling monster, maybe that's a MoM heritage !
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