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Old December 15th, 2003, 02:40 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: Christmas Wish List of Features! Dear Kriss Kringle ;)

My Definition of Archer Friendly behaviors is:

Archery Cavalry using their Archery to it's advantage based on orders. Things of this nature could be a "Fire and Run" command only usable my mounted archers of specific or non-specific nations. What this might encompass is the Horse-archers will fire their bows until they are approached a certain (closish, like 3 'hexes' or something) then they will move at full speed to the back of the map and fire their arrows until they are approached in that radius again, if so, they move back (this might only need to be something that happens once, depending on the speed of the unit, they will be at the 'wall' their first 'retreat') and fire their arrows. *IF* they get closer than 3, and can't go nowhere or run out of arrows, then the unit will charge the nearest enemy.

That may or may not be possible or too much work; I don't know if it is or not. That might be too complex for the engine (away would be better but might be too overpowering) but I don't know if the movevment is based on 'forward/backward' as much as 'left/right', whatever. What I would like is an effort if they are going to do anything at all, to make it 'semi-realistic' instead of blanket.

Another "Archer Friendly" issue would be Archers that are targeting a routing or within a radius of your a troops (hopefully the same priority checklist as placed below) (3 or whatever) army changes targets to the fartherst, largest cluster of units (maybe even put in a priority AI of tareting first Largest, next Non-Shield, next Farthest) type of scenario to imitate commander in battlefield order changes.

Common sense things.

Or maybe just put a little checkbox somewhere that says "Friendly Fire" that will tell your troops that if their is a friendly fire situation they don't fire. I can see some instances or army types where you don't care and that could support that. (Normal Archers and Infantry of Ulm for example, Shortbows can't do anything to them so they might as well shoot half at them and half at the enemy).

I know these things are sporatic and kind of jagged, but they are just ideas.
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