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Old May 3rd, 2004, 10:41 AM

Minrhael Minrhael is offline
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Default Pillaging the dead and my beloved Tuatha

Couple things:

1) Would it be possible to have a chance of taking gems from slain enemy commanders carrying them? It always irks me when I kill an enemy commander that had a gem pouch filled with 30 gems and I can't ever get any of them. Making it so we have a, let's say 20% chance of getting each gem the enemy was carrying at battle's end, this would only result in about a half dozen gems from a full pouch which wouldn't seem outrageous, the rest can get lost in the melee of battle. It just seems silly that I never find any of them.

2) My beloved Tuatha: I find that the Sidhe Lord (2A 1N 3H 280g or 290g forget which) in between the Sidhe Champion (1A 1N 2H 140g) and the Tuatha (3A 2N 1? 3H 390g) is virtually useless. If you're going to spend 280, you may as well wait for the extra 110 gold and get an extra air, nature, and random spell level, especially with that random pick being the only way Tuatha are ever getting outside A/N except their pretender and lucky independent finds. How about cutting a level of air off it, and increasing the holy level to 4, perhaps making it unmounted.

Since the Tuatha have virtually no access to Power of the Spheres, or a Communion, or Crystal Shields there's really no chance of them ever getting priests above level 3 except for one via the (IIRC) Unique Sword of Justice and their one prophet, and they have to make that prophet out of a very expensive commander if they want Holy 4. If the Sidhe Lord was made 1A 1N 4H, it would finally have some use, and I could see recruiting one now and again as it would at least have a specific purpose, though I still wouldn't use them very often, with the much more useful Tuatha just 100 gold more. And if it was made unmounted, the loss of 3 strategic move and without the 2A to Cloud Trapeze around it would be much less mobile which should make up for any overpowering that access to lvl 4 Holy would give. It just irks me that a theme which is so clearly intended to use bless effects is hampered by the inability to cast divine blessing, it's not like the theme is overpowered.

Also, how about letting us recruit Cu Sidhe at all castles? Probably not I suppose, as limiting all the sacreds to the starting province makes sense to me thematically, but at least then they'd be a bit more useful, as it is I never recruit them until very end game when I have the ability to recruit 10 or 12 sacred troops and don't have the resources to recruit that many Daoine Sidhe.

[ May 03, 2004, 09:45: Message edited by: Minrhael ]
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