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Old July 21st, 2004, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: OT - your fav games

Originally posted by Arryn:
UPDATE: Having seen "I, Robot" this evening, I have to say that while Asimov would not have approved of the script (I can go into the reasons why if anyone really cares), the movie wasn't bad, and was a helluva lot closer to Asimov's "universe" than "Starship Troopers" was to Heinlein's. Go see the movie and enjoy it (ignoring the impossible physics of the bots will help).
The beauty of Starship Troopers was that it was camp; it made Heinlein into something enjoyable.
Both Heinlein and actually to a stronger degree Asimov are in my opinion miserable writers; the entire "robot" series was puerile and lackluster. (Like the results of what happens when 70% of most Hollywood teams get their hands on a Phillip K. Dick story.) I wasn't planning to see I Robot, but you have got my interest piqued.
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