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Old September 24th, 2004, 05:40 AM

Pickles Pickles is offline
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Default Re: The one change Dom2 really needs.....

Zen said:
"Yes, and then you have to add in the factor that blood slaves are (generally) counted as double for purposes of gems."

You mean "count as half"? Anyway I think it should be more like 25% - 35% they are very easy to come by.

" Even though my personal opinion is that hording is a misuse of gems, I don't like the feeling of micromanagment in order to compete (like with Sabbath Slave). "

Hear hear.

"So I am trying in the mod to find the happy medium not only in those particular magic items but with all of them. Anything I can say I have never built before because I have something better I am looking at (but not neccesarily changing)."

There is a very long list of these. I think here, as with national troops, there are too many choices most of which are poor.

"I will start with one though, Hunter's Knife "

Yeah this suffers from being one of 3 nature items. I like the L0 items and would any of them for early commanders depending on what I have access to. The knife seems worse than the spear though - there is a similar problem with 4 different earth items. As I favour swords over spears, perhaps incorrectly, there are real options (the axe just looks less good, but maybe duel wielding?).

Two handed items at all levels seem too weak for the cost (with the obvious couple of exceptions, plus Flambeau now we know strength is tripled too). I think they need an accross the board boost to everything.

L2 items introduce Bows. These are no use on SCs as they are not destructive enough. I mean to try them on everyday commanders who mainly try to avoid getting killed. I am not sure they would repay their gem cost but still it keeps everyone involved & feeling they are part of the team.

I have just reviewed what weapons I make from the higher levels & there are not many - except those that have an auxilliary use in which case they are rarely used as weapons.

I only use Flambeau, Herald lance, Wraith sword, Hellsword, Blood thorn, Faithful, Main Gauche of Parrying Fire brand, Frostbrand.

These Last two are cheap & have big numbers & I seem to face undead a lot. Faithful is not one I have used recently. I use uniques when I get the chance but maybe half of those are not any good (or no better then Fire Bands).

Eek am I missing something or are the other weapons just generally inferior?

Anyway I applaud this mod idea as there is definitely scope for more better weapons (oh & other items too) - not nerfing you note but improving the mediocre.

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