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Old July 21st, 2005, 08:19 AM
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Default Re: Fictional/What If/Parts Bin Units

Your M1A3 sounds like the specs for the new FCS. They're still debating 120mm vs. 140mm as far as I know, but they'll incorporate the 40mm AGL and advanced armor. Cool

The Ranger Squad SR sounds like a Special Forces A-Team. I like it.

Have you ever played SP3? I always felt the Bradley was better modelled their. I imagine your CS Bradley turns it into the infantry killing machine that it is in SP3.

Gotta agree with JaM on the Apache. As annoying as I find MANPADS, they are very effective in what they do and helos will never be the best way to get rid of them. I'd boost the accuracy at long range of the Hellfires if you want to make a change. IRL they have an effective range of some 8,000m. Have them pick-off tanks without getting into MANPADS range.
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