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Old July 17th, 2006, 07:01 PM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: OT: World War 3...

Renegade 13 said:
Dizzy said:
Doesnt change the fact that most of the muslim world will soon be taught that simply because they are sitting on black gold doesnt mean they own it.

I think a good relocation plan is in order.
I hope not many people share this opinion; Canada is sitting on one hell of a lot more oil than any Middle Eastern country, with the possible exception of Saudi Arabia. Does that mean we don't own it, and if you guys want it you have the right to just take it??

Actually, as far as countries inhabited by non-whites are concerned, this has historically been the American attitude. Noam Chomsky makes this observation numerous times in his works on American foreign policy. I don't have the time to go track it down now, but his books show that it's clearly stated even in official American government documents that "our resources" just happen to be located in "their countries" and "we" (the US govt at least) assume the right to take them. If the oil situation got really bad (Middle East consumed in wars and most oil export stops, that would remove about 1/4 of world output) I would not be at all surprised to see the US govt put huge pressure on Canada to give exclusive access to those tar sands to the US, and to resort to any force necessary if it wasn't granted 'willingly'. It's been the historical pattern of US behavior. Take what you want because you're the biggest galoot around and you can. The only difference with Canada would be that the victims would be (mostly) 'white' this time.
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