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Old July 24th, 2006, 07:31 AM

Captain_G Captain_G is offline
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Default Re: Static AA question...


Whether 88 class AA gun should fire at aircraft has been debated since SP1...

I made some tests this morning and here are the results if you want to make such guns AA capable.

- First you have to know that level bomber class aircraft never get anything shot at them. This is likely to represent the fact that such bombers were flying too high for anything smaller than a 150 mm Flak to hit them... So if you want to test anything only buy fighter bomber class planes, or change all level bombers to fighter bomber

- Second changing the gun class to flak is not enough to have your big boys fire at aircraft. First as big guns get a shot penalty they must be quite experienced (elite or more) if you want to see more than a rare shot from them. Second, i noticed that whenever the gun is given a Sabot range, it become very difficult to have it fire at aircraft. Mainly, i believe that such guns will fire at aircraft only between their max sabot range and their max range. If they have to choose between normal and sabot ammo, the crew get confused and let the plane fly away before they can reach an agreement between them

So for instance a 88 flak with a sabot range of 70 and a weapon range of 90 would only fire at aircraft between 71 and 90 hex. You can replace that with 'never' as usually aircraft shots occur below 30 hexes.

If you want to have some AA 88s/3 inch/whatever i suggest you clone the gun, make it flak and remove its sabot stats.
Then clone the unit and replace the gun with your AA one.
Or you could edit directly the gun but would lose the special ammo.

BTW i didn't have any good success controlling the aircraft entry and out directions that seem to be random whatever you choose in the bombard planning... anyone noticed such thing ?
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