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Old October 4th, 2006, 03:11 PM
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Default Re: Are we paying more for less?

I'm not sure what to tell you Mltdwn. So much of this discussion seems to boil down to "I'm totally going to buy this game" or "I'm definitely not buying this game". With so little room in-between, all we can really do is wish each other the best with our respective choices.

If the price point is the straw that breaks your camel's back, so be it. If Shrapnel feels that the price point is hurting them, I'm sure they'll adjust their market strategy. In the meantime, I guess I just need to spend less time trying to convince you of why it's worth $55 directly and more time just enjoying my new game. If I write enough about how great it is as I'm experiencing it, maybe you'll come around. And if you don't, we'll miss having you.