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Old October 27th, 2006, 06:41 PM

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Default Re: Conceptual Balance (Discussion)

Huhu, what about nerfing Horror Mark ?

Else :

Agreed on excessive nerfing/cost of VQ.
All the new big "Greek Pantheon" gods are very costly and not that great.
I'm still not convinced with the "human" pretenders, yet they now have the advantage of being easily awake, so it needs more testing/discussion.

Both Air boost items are now A4, it's really hard to have mages able to make them. It means you need base A4 to be able to progress, it's too harsh a requirement. I'd make the Winged Helmet back to A3 and let the bag A4.
All other path have at least one lvl-3 boost or less (including those requiring dual-path).

I have issues with Bless effects, but these aren't moddable...

About archers, it's not that logical that lowly goblinoids make as much damage with a bow that a human or better - after all the bow effectiveness is related to archer strength and skill, as well as bow quality isn't it ?
So why not split the current "bows" in 2-3 categories with different range, prec and damage ?
For example Short Bow could be "inferior" with 8 dam/rg 25, standard at 10/30, or superior at 11/35/+1 prec.

Thus the too-easy hordes of cheap archers will at least be less effective that better, more expensives ones.

Issue is that I'm not sure we can *add* weapons in mods ?
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