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Old November 1st, 2006, 03:13 AM
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Default Re: Put some reviews on Amazon plz

Astax said:
Ummm why would people lie? The game is hardly what I would considered finished. There needs to be a penalty for realising your beta version software. A penlaty like turning off prospective buyers.
Why would you consider what SFI did to be a bad thing? I mean now that the game has been released the bug reports are coming in. Many new bugs have been discovered and are now being looked at by Aaron. The more people playing the game simply means that more bug reports are going to be generated and reported resulting in a better campusing of the issues and much more indepth patches and improvements.

I think that SFI did the right thing here even if it does cost some sales, in the end the ends do justify the means, and those ends are an improved game.

I like SE V but I could not honestly tell anyone to go out and buy it. I would instead tell them to wait a few months for the bugs to be sorted out. Why are you attacking me for having an honest opinion?
This is a vary fair statement. And no one is attacking you over your opinion. Like I have said before, the nay sayers often point out the flaws that no one else would dare to do. The end result is attention gets applied toward the problems. 1 nay sayer carries more weight than 100 pro-spouters.
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