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Old February 5th, 2007, 12:09 PM
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Default Re: New scenario UK Vs Iraq 1991

Hi Dita

I just has a quick attempt at your scenario.
I managed a Marginal win. I could do much better if I played it again.

Good effort.
Some points, if you are interested.

Many of the Iraqi units never moved. The Panhard(?) armoured cars and an AFV in the south,
Some scouts bypassed the north flag that I had turned British. Why did they not attempt to turn the flag back to Iraqi as they went past? That's quite strange.

The idea is good, especially for a campaign.
I have made two SAS scenarios for MBT. it is not easy to get that tpye of special forces action correct for a game that is meant for big armoured battles!

I feel that you have made the Iraqi force too strong, especially after mentioning many times that there are no enemy in the area.

If I were that SAS team I would have done a quick scout and seen the enemy...and then left for a different location.
Those SAS units were never meant to drive into situations like that with all guns blazing, maybe back in WW2 when they were raiding Rommel's airfields, but not in Iraq in '91.

I suggest that the scenario would be better, more realistic and more fun if there was twice as many turns (an estimate only) so that you could employ much more SAS-type, sneaky tactics. This would be even more important if it was the first scenario of a campaign. If I were doing it, I would not allow the player any repair points. This would force them to be super sneaky with their forces. That would be more realistic and very difficult as every man lost would be irreplaceable, just like Real Life.

That is my suggestion.

Also, earn how to use the "way points" so you may set the defenders to move where you wish them to. There are many tricks to designing a good scenario or campaign.
It is good to practice and get the timing of events and balance of units correct. You must play-test the game many times to see all the possibilities.

A good effort.
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