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Old February 5th, 2007, 12:56 PM

lopezonline lopezonline is offline
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Default Re: New scenario UK Vs Iraq 1991

I just played it i manged to pull off marginal victory (i supose loosing one of my Land Rovers cost me Decisive...) I had only one destroyed LR and one damged LR - both in ambush. It's quite easy to win here, just use fire superority of LR with vision 40, i formed defensive perimeter on south side of the hill - to the south west of that lake, deployed smoke, used my SAS for recon, and LR for suprresive fire ant ATGM to kill armour. Fix, flank, and finish for first rounds i only concentrated on depleting op4 then i moved to obj and took them using LR's. BRDM's where unplesant suprise as the killed leading LR with 14.5mm machin gun. Rest of Iraqi amrored force where just sitting ducks for my ATGM's - vision 40 rocks All in all - nice scenario - keep up the good work. As for realism of such raid... i supose it's realistic if you think of it as iraqi ambush... Sorry for my english i'm just learing it
I agree that giving more time would be nice, and would allow to use some sneaky tactics, but as i said, i think of it as ambush so thinking fast is esential here.
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