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Old May 2nd, 2007, 09:11 AM
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Default Re: obat53 new oob for V3.5

Thanks a lot Don (and Andy) for the new version.
Good job!

Never less, I keep checking, testing and modifying the OOB; so I have already "four differences" made out.

My mistake:
- Unit 731 - there should be 4 NOT 3 155mm M-50's!
Two new Units:
- Unit 974; Pz68 with a 120mm Gun (Prototype in the 90')
- Unit 978; Mowag SAM with Rapier MkII (build for export but theoretically available. Also with Stinger?)
Radio Codes:
- Lots of rare units had code 92, means AI chose those. Changed them to 91. Easy available units or standard units I changed to 92, so AI chooses them.
Indirect firing Fortifications:
- n.a. Fortifications can't fire indirect, only Mortar and Artillery can (right?)
- So Units 760-765 (Mortar Bunkers) must fire indirect -> change them to what? Mortars?


new Version...
make love not war..
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