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Old May 10th, 2007, 04:46 PM
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PatG PatG is offline
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Default Long Campaign - Japanese

Game 1
1931 China Hills
Meeting Engagement
scattered VH's

Japan vs AI Chinese Nationalists

Japanese Forces:
Infantry Coy

Tank platoon

All mule-born:
Weapons Platoon - I am enamoured of those little French 37mm trench guns
70mm mortar platoon - 2 tubes
70mm inf gun platoon - 2 guns
HMG section - 2 guns
AOP on horseback

Support: Motorcyclists and trucks for the squaddies.

Fairly open hills with n/s ridge about map centre
2 East-west roads each with a few huts about map centre

I looked at the map and found a large clearing just behind the central ridge and south of the centre line. I decided to push two platoons of infantry and armour up to the clearing to await the oncoming Chinese - thus the trucks.

Right - so the starters gun goes off and my gunjin are away. The motorcyclists tear off in a cloud of dust hell bent on glory like their bosozuko descendants. One and two platoons mount up and head down the south road heading for the clearing followed by the tanks. Three platoon's Isuzus charge up the north road to establish a blocking postion just north of the central clearing. Francis-san and the rest of the mule-borne support platoon plod up the southern road, my precious Model 11 37mms firmly strapped to their backs. The company commander and batallion commander sit down for a quiet game of shogi.

The passage of a few turns sees one and two platoons set up at the clearing edge well supported by tanks, HMGs and my AOP. Three platoon has gone to ground as flank security. Their trucks have all retired smartly to concealed lagers, their drivers looking forward to an extended tea break. In the south, the two wheeled speed demons have avoided any opposition and are fast approaching a VH deep in the enemy rear. In the north, their brothers have tagged a couple of VHs forward of three platoon and run smack into a platoon of angry natives - naught remains but smoke and the echo of their motors. Seeing the smoke up north, one and two platoons are chafing at the bit. The scout sections tread with some trepidation into the clearing for a peek about - nothing happens.

Meanwhile, back with the mules ... ah the mules I have no luck with these four legged warriors ... Chinese mortar fire has caught the support platoon moving at speed up an open road - a classic interdiction strike. However - it appears that hanging a 37mm bore shiny infantry gun and the associated crew off one of these poor creatures turns them into medeival destriers - all but one of the mules survived - not so the IGs....

Next turn, the VHs tagged by the late motorcycles in the north are reclaimed - three platoon braces for impact. In the centre, one and two platoons wait impatiently - again they push forward. One particularily naive gunjin stands up and yells "Hey look - there they are!" Three Chinese sections open up in response - the one remaining squad member decides to have a nice quiet sit-down. The other recce section decides that now would be a good time to make a verbal report to the platoon commander in the rear - and also opts for quiet moment as it too is reduce to but a single member. One and two platoons, unimpressed with the fireworks show get down to the business of making sausage. The AOP pulls out his plotting table and prepares to unleash a divine wind.

Deep in the enemy end zone the remaining two motorcycles spot some suspicious looking smoke. Zipping in to investigate, they over-run a mortar position putting it out of action. Looking around they see another suspicious cloud a bit to the north.

Over the next few turns. The Chinese advance into the clearing. Japanese rifle, MG and tank fire take care of the troops in the open while mortar and howitzers beat the treeline behind. Routers stream back up the southern road. To the north, three platoon bloodies the noses of the first few troops coming up the road but soon find themselves under increasing pressure but holding firm. The motorcyclists take out another mortar pit and spot the prize of prizes - the Chinese HQ - they decide a stationary attack might be wise and open up on the command group. It would appear that this particular Warlord is an experienced big game hunter - the motorcycles are destroyed without inflicting lasting damage. The Warlord generously credits the two AAMGs positioned near him with an assist.

Another few turns pass to find three platoon's flank security position in serious trouble. It is facing about three companies of determined Chinese infantry and some desultory mortar fire. Three platoon is forced to fall back as the Chinese bunch up in front. One and two platoons crush the centre attack and advance across the clearing and into the woods. The plan is to flank the infantry threatening three platoon. The COs finish their game and head off up the north road to lend some samurai steel to three platoons holding action. The AOP, accompanied by the HMG groups moves into the north end of the clearing to get a better sight picture on the enemy. The tanks charge north and engage the enemy, careful to stay just out of assault reach.

One and two platoons set up along the north road taking care of a number of routers in the process. The AOP starts dropping mortar and shell fire into the bunched up Chinese while the tanks shoot the lands out of their guns and are forced to rely on MG fire only. The COs arrive and sucessfuly bolster three platoon's morale. The HMGs open up with effective flanking fire. Once the arty is dropping where it should be, the AOP decides that a few potshots into the crowd would be just the thing and promptly gets destroyed for its arrogance.

Meanwhile, the south road is quiet but an awful lot of routers went that way so a couple of lads from the motor pool are given the honour of trying out for a combat arms role and up the road they go. Nothing for the first bit then they run bang into a decidedly un-routed Chinese grenadier group. The motor pool boys out survive their transport and through their prodigious lung capacity are able to keep their commander informed of developments. Ulitmately, they too will have their ashes sent to Yasukuni.

About 20 turns in the artillery and tank fire prove too much for the Chinese and they stream back along the north road to into a gauntlet of fire from two and three platoon that none survive. A quick push along the north road and a hook south through the rear areas and the annihilation is complete - even the CO managed to pickup a couple of kills. Promotions all round including a couple to the support platoon mules. One and two platoons all get multiple kills with one particularily energetic group racking up 16.

Lessons Learned:
  • Be a bit less agressive with the foot recce.
  • 70 mm mortars have about the same range as an obasan flinging weeds out of a rice paddy - not nearly enough. Send a note to the R&D people.
  • ALWAYS check you observer's range settings to make sure they don't initiate rifle combat.
  • Stop buying 37mm IGs even if they are pretty.

Next scenario - into the mountains.
"I love the smell of anthracite in the morning...
It smells like - victory"
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