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Old May 15th, 2007, 12:47 PM

Yrkoon Yrkoon is offline
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Default Communion - items of master affect slaves ?


I am in a EA game with Kaisala and I noticed something ... interesting and highly exploitable during a communion.

I have a double bless strategy F9A10, and I was using a sacred national summon to bless my troops. I wanted to cast a Holy 3 spell (divine bless) and my national summon was Holy 2, so I thought : communion.

So here is my national summon, equipped with a copper plate (the armor: resist lightning 100%, charge body) and a cristal matrix (for the communion). And his slaves, shamen, with slave matrix. I scripted the summon to cast divine bless on turn 1, then cast spells.

As soon as the battle starts, before anything happens, I click on the shamen just to see and - surprise - they have "charge body" on them. But not resist lightning 100%.

It appears that some of the effects of the magic items carried by the communion master also affect the communion slaves. Some, but not all ... weird.

Did anyone else notice that too ? Is it only with crystal matrices or with the bona fide "communion" spell too ?

Anyway, I think this is highly exploitable : get a few masters with buffs from items, a few slaves, and as soon as the battle starts you have an army of buffed slaves. It's dead easy to script the slaves to, say, attack closest : they get the buffs without spells being cast, so without any fatigue.

It doesn't seem to work with slaves that are not spellcasters : I put a slave matrix on a bandar commander and he didn't have charge body
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