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Old June 16th, 2007, 03:12 PM

serg3d serg3d is offline
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Default Re: Long campain, Soviet mech battalion, Nov 1941

Brigade get upgrade:
4x GAZ AAMG -> 4 GAZ 37mm AA Guns trucks

The enemy have no continuous line of defense here.
Brigade ordered to make fast advance into gap, before mans time to react. The snow is heavy, so we should be careful. There is the panzer division around.

Meeting engagement, visibility 10

To move faster we have some forces attached from from the army reserve :

Cossak squadron
Understrength Ski company - 10 ski secions, 1 scout section
1 halftruck plt 4x halftrucks
4 light trucks plt

The terrain is not very good. There is a big forset in the center and narrow strip the north. All objectives are to the north of the forest, but what if Fritz try flanking in south or attack through the central sector ? There will be huge losses - our infantry is not expirienced enough to fight in the forest, and tank wouldn't be able support it efficiently.
After some thinking Dolya put two ATG and platoon of T-34/57 with infantry riders to the south sector. They are separated from the mian forces and should fight retreat if attacked. If not attacked they will be in reserve.
Another four T34 with rider and two ATG deployed in the north forest strip, blocking the road. Ski troops deployed on the edge of the central forest. Main force is completly mobile and deployed in the center. Several ATG deployed in the back. Dolya is worried that his T-34 are too disperced, that could cause big losses. But he think that with such a low visibility he should try to cover as much of the front line as he can to prevent or at least detect german infiltration into the rear area.

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