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Old June 16th, 2007, 03:35 PM

serg3d serg3d is offline
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Default Re: Long campain, Soviet mech battalion, Nov 1941

0016-0017 While our T34/57 was sitting behind the infantry near the central fight, two PzIIIh popped out in the forest clearing suddenly from the south and killed it in one hit. No crew survived. Both Panzers were later burned by cavalry with molotov.
Three T34/57 from south arrived into center. Our cavalry scout located and attacked two 8cm mortars in Fritz rear. Central group of four KV ordered to move into close-range fight. Most of our infantry in the center heavily suppressed, in retreat or rout. Another three fresh squads ordered into the furnace which central fight become.
On the north german made their move. Four panzer attacked our position, three were destroyed by 57mm ATG, immobilized KV and T34/57 platoon.
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