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Old June 27th, 2007, 11:21 PM
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Default Re: Long Campaign - Japanese

So another 80x40 test:
1942: Germany delaying against Chinese hordes. Falschirmjager moderately supported by Pz III managed a draw. However, the VH's were clustered well back against the German edge so the Chinese had to advance the whole board.

Ran the same setup - this time the Germans chose Landsers well supported by armour but with the VH's spread out along the setup line. Result: Marginal Defeat.

One more test - 1942 Chicom advance against Japanese delay but on an 80x80 map - result: Marginal Japanese defeat. However, the AI chose to defend all across the map rather than concentrating its forces so I'm not displeased. The Chinese hordes were distributed much more realistically. It looks like I just need to move to a bigger map.

Final test
80x40 1942 Marines vs Chicom advance.
Marines had moderate armour support - 6xM3
Result: Marginal Chicom victory

So it would appear that the pick lists are not too far out of line especially when the opposing force has armour. Armour is a big help in general but a larger map allows for more realistic Chinese deployment.
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