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Old June 29th, 2007, 07:40 AM
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PatG PatG is offline
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Default Battle 8 to turn 13

Three flares shot into the air like chrysanthemum blossoms. Engines revved, web gear was tightened and the advance began.
In map centre the two motorcycle groups shot forward at full throttle. The southern most quartet grabbed the central VH cluster on turn 1. Pushing forward on subsequent turns, they encountered a group of Chinese cavalry supported by armoured trucks. In a swirl of light horse action, the intrepid samurai dashed in and out of cover blunting the Chinese advance and drawing them into a mortar kill zone over the VH cluster. Supported by a firebase built around the 70mm IGs and the artillery protection platoon, this group is battered but still in the fight conducting pop up attacks over a ridge line to harrass the Chines horse.

The northern quartet ran full out for the northern cluster of VHs, stopping just short on the first turn. They tagged the hexes on turn two and were beginning to spread out to find the Chines main body when they encountered a group of trucks. Between the MGs on the motorcycles and the superior math skills of Sho-i Bunchiki the current number 2FO, a platoon+ of truck borne Chinese were routed and a larger body given a bloody nose. Withdrawing under pressure, they lost the VHs but with support from the sniper group have maintained the line against the Chinese advance.

In the north, the infantry company advanced under the watchful eye of the armour. Go-cho Gushi, the other FO pushed forward a little too quickly to the point where I planned to turn the company south and found himself under desultory rifle fire. With skillful use of smoke and covered by the rifle fire of his transport group Gushi was able to withdraw into cover. The company mortars were set to screen a gap in the tree line behind which I was going to form up the company for the advance south. Fortunately, the smoke was plotted to land near the Chinese Gushi evaded. While the mortars pinned the Chinese, I was able to execute a classic deployment from column to line, advance over a covering ridge line and crush a company of Chinese.

While this was happening, the sniper section was detached from flank security detail and moved to support the motorcycle group. Their long range rifle fire has allowed very light forces to stand up against superior odds.

In the south, the recce group pushed forward encountering some of the armoured trucks harassing the southern motorcycle group. In a bizarre comedy, the trucks and type 92s could only scratch each others paint so decided to ignore each other and move on. Sadly Gun-so Michiro with 18 kills ran into something in the woods and was destroyed in a blaze of fire.

So at turn 13, my motorcycles are holding the line with sniper and IG support, the recce group is huddled in the woods worried about exploding Panda bears and my gunjin are cleaning up a few loose ends before sweeping south. The situation looks good.
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It smells like - victory"
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