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Old August 12th, 2007, 01:41 AM

sgqwonkian sgqwonkian is offline
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Default Re: New Mod: Sgqwonkian Crisis

Continuing from my last post, since it gets even better.

I post the above, here. Then i go remove all 8 invasion quests, and doublecheck that my original mainquest that seemed to be the source of the crash is gone too.

Launch the mod... (wait for it) ...CRASH while generating the universe!
And it's a doozy, too, forcing me to restart the computer to get out of it. (which the problem before i'd tried to rebuild the mod had been doing, but the crashes while experimenting with 8 invasion events were softer and less drastic).

So, what's different in the mod now than before i put those quests in? NOTHING.

What's different on my computer now? I have my DSL plugged in and Mozilla Firefox running in the background. Next up, I'll log out and see if it's a compatibility issue between Mozilla and Weird Worlds.
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