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Old November 6th, 2007, 02:29 PM
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Default Re: OK, assuming you DON\'T have triggers...

capnq said:
How do you define "improving", "casual", and "firm", in terms the AI understands?
Clearly SEV has a "how much I like/hate you" factor that every AI uses when dealing with every other player (AI or human). If the AI likes the other player it will accept/offer treaties. And the treaties it will accept/offer get gradually more and more like a total alliance with that player. So, my question is, can modders currently access that factor directly when programming the AIs, or is that all hard-coded? It seems to me that it is already there: congenial races appear to gradually warm to me, provided I don't do stuff to tick them off. Can modders tweak that? And can we decide what actions tick off AIs, or is that all hard-coded? Currently they seem to get mad automatically if you have ANY colonies in "their" systems (unless you have the appropriate treaty -- but the "allow colonizing in my systems" treaty is very hard to obtain from an expanding neighbor).
Give me a scenario editor, or give me death! Pretty please???
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