Thread: Favorite games
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Old April 8th, 2008, 07:57 PM
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Default Re: Favorite games

This is actually difficult to limit to 10 but I would say:

1: Dominions 3
2: Space Empires 4 gold
3: BF:1942
4: Half-Life series
5: Star Control 2
6: Archon 1 and 2
7: Master of Magic
8: Master of Orion (yes, the original )
9: Worms World Party/Armageddon
10: Civilization series

Some other honorable mentions:

Spy vs. Spy series
Bruce Lee
Caveman Ugh-Lympics
Movie Monster game
Ultima series
City of Heroes/Villains
Team Fortress 2

and many more. Some of these are pretty old, but every once and awhile I dust off one of my old consoles or my Commodore 64 and engage in some nostalgia.
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