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Old September 23rd, 2008, 01:45 PM

JaghataiKhan JaghataiKhan is offline
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Default Re: Mount and Blade review on Gamespot

Originally Posted by Sombre View Post
Originally Posted by JaghataiKhan View Post
Our Turkish Gaming pride will live in
As for the need of a storyline, apparently the average consumer WANTS to be fed a story. Imagine your own, console kids!
By the way I find this post ridiculous.

If you're that into imagination, why play a computer game at all? Imagine your own adventure! Pretending that the lack of story is a /feature/,.... wow.

As for the swipe at console gamers, I am principally a console gamer myself and I don't like your attitude.
You are free to like or dislike, but the Taleworlds always insisted that they intended a sandbox game, I forgot saying that. I have been in the forums all the time, talked to Armagan, the maker of the game and moderated the forums for a while. These game reviewers simply expect an Oblivion to fulfill their wishes, they measure the quality of a VW beetle amongst a race of Ferraris and Lamborghinis.

As for console games. They are merely button-mashing madness that have very little principle in the kernel of the design, but merely "make combos, strike the enemy before you get hit, avoid getting hit and slash" combat. Maybe it is me that grew up with intense details of Xcom series, Champion of Krynn,Simcity, playing Ports of call when 9 years old, spending hours to manage a transport company that may not be for a 9 year old. I resent consoles for that, as I every game I played from a console was same to me, Legacy of Kain,Devil May cry,Shinobi or God of War. Not to mention copycat hordes of Japanese RPG's with all look alike designs and all the flashy animations.

Not that I dislike Legacy of Kain's design, but the whole series was a boring grind of combos and jumps.
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