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Old September 23rd, 2008, 09:40 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: OT: US Pres election

I do think the differences are pretty stark this cycle. Granted both candidates are more pro-corporate and more pro-American imperialism than I like, but there are still vast gulfs even there.

McCain plans to continue and extend Bush's policies. Sure he talks about being a maverick and shaking things up, but anything specific is right down the same path: win the war, bomb Iran, deregulate the economy, tax breaks for the rich. It's worked so well for the last 8 years, why not continue. And even his Republican colleagues think he's got a nasty temper. So add that to the mix.

Obama's far from perfect, but he's smart as hell and actually appears to take the problems we're facing seriously. And his solutions aren't meaningless pandering like a "gas tax holiday" or massive corporate giveaways. Less experience, but what is experience for if it doesn't give you good judgment.

Regardless, for those in the US who haven't yet: Register to vote. The deadline is coming up in most states.
And then ignore the media, the pundits and the campaign ads. Go and find out what they candidates say they'll do and how it matches what they've done. You have an internet. Use it.
Then go vote.
Don't forget about the local elections either.

[This has been an unpaid political announcement. We now return you to your brewing flame war.]
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