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Old November 12th, 2008, 01:59 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: Tactical Suggestions

Turn 14

Ten enemy rifle sections now visible on Northern flank. Time to bring in artillery to help out. My SPAs spend the last two turns shifting for when the enemy gets around to counter battery fire. Like me, the AI uses artillery to support attacks first. Counter battery fire is secondary to that purpose.

Action in front of the gap between hills 1 and 2 just increased. Seven Valentine III tanks are now present and my infantry is in the open. My three D formation tanks are in position to strike and my infantry is within 200 meters of the lead Valentines and they have no visible infantry support.. My infantry took a few casualties, but nothing major. I'll probably pepper the Valentines with small arms fire to suppress them and then assault with a few units. My tanks will also try to pick off a few.

Action on hill 4, in front of hill 2, accounted for one immobilized Valentine IX. As hoped, it wandered into the smoke and one of my infantry squads assaulted. I'll try to finish it off next turn. Artillery dropped on the enemy concentration on the South edge of hill 4. Enemy infantry seen running from this location.

Enemy attack on hill 3 has stalled. Maneuvered my tanks forward and took out one Valentine III. The two remaining Valentines traded shots with my five PzKw IVg tanks. Small arms fire exchanged, resulting in enemy casualties. Several enemy infantry units popped smoke and ran. Artillery also dropped on enemy formations.

I'm probing for the enemy flank on the South edge. Friendly artillery continued dropping in the area. It should take a turn or two before I have this flank turned.

Some scout units have pushed 500 meters beyond the engagement areas into the enemy rear.


Friendly: Estimated 5 infantry casualties.

Enemy: One Valentine III tank destroyed, estimated 25 infantry casualties.
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