Thread: Treaty Problems
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Old December 15th, 2008, 12:54 PM
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Default Re: Treaty Problems

I would like some more variation in the nations. I have over 300 and it seems as though the tactics remain pretty much the same for all of them.

A) one that is insulted by gifts

B) one that loves to share its systems (cowards hoping for a defender ally?)

C) one that surrenders easily (probably one of the neutral non-nations)

D) xenophobes who prefer non-intercourse types of treaties

E) one that offers to be sujugate or protectorate

D) one that gets mad at the casual General Messages instead of getting friendlier

These might already exist and I didnt notice, or maybe I havent loaded the right ones. But it seems like a lack. Id be willing to give up some logical reasonable builds to try and win, for some surprises. Maybe a nation that only floods space with escorts. Ive been very tempted to do as I have in other games (muds, strategy games, etc) to write a program so I can click an icon and have it randomly-within-limits re-assign the variables of some of the nations. Maybe just the neutrals, or maybe some nations whose description lists them as insane with factors you can never count on. If the game re-reads the national texts between hostings, or between loadings of the exe, then it might be fun to have some of them re-rolled in mid-game. The advantage of a program like that is that the rolls can be a touch over the line of what you would do for a staticly built logical nation.

At one time I was messing around with increasing the number of neutrals in order to create a wider range.
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Last edited by Gandalf Parker; December 15th, 2008 at 12:57 PM..
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