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Old January 8th, 2009, 09:39 AM

Charles22 Charles22 is offline
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Default Re: How do I use ammo trucks?

Come on guys, wise up. Speaking in gamewise terms only, not that there's anything wrong with wanting to play with only a core force, or wanting to replicate something of a historic force in core, just why would you buy non-combatant units in your core? Any unit without a weapon, buying it in core, deprives that unit of practically any useful gain that time would bring a unit in core, plus it's points that would be much better spent on something else that would benefit from being in core.

Buying a truck section, through support, for your 88's, is far better than buying those same units in your core. The suppport trucks are exactly the same as a new truck was should you had bought it in core.

Now somebody correct me if I'm wrong about this, but the only useful role that a truck might have might work the opposite way, where you might prefer that the truck type unit be cowardly, in other words, that it might even drop it's load even if it's not being fired upon (though ammo trucks have no load capacity) should suppression go up or that it retreat in such circumstances. What's more, if I'm not mistaken, I think trucks are very poor, if they will manage it at all, of dropping a unit when under fire. Part of that is because the load isn't riding on it's back like on an AFV, but also because trucks often don't survive long enough under fire to get unloaded. Same goes for HT's, though HT's actually benefit from being in core because they have weapons.

Yes, I'm sure I had probably bought trucks in core once upon a time, but I wised up afterwards. If there is ANY benefit to having trucks in core, especially ammo trucks, which don't even have a unit loaded, at least winSPWW2 allows you to add to your core later, so you can then add combatant units in core to make up for the truck inclusions. If trucks of any sort would unload their cargo (or resupply) faster due to increased experience/morale because they were in core, well then there's some point, but I doubt very heavily that is so, and even if it is, it's probably negligible compared to the support trucks.

Here's one last little tidbit to nibble on. Let's take your 88 platoon with trucks for example. One of your trucks gets heavily suppressed (unladen) and you want to rally it. Unfortunately your 88's are also heavily suppressed. Naturally, you should rally the 88's to some extent, first. Now each unit, should the unit leader fail to rally it at some point, will turn to the platoon leader for a rally. Once that platoon leader fails to rally a unit there is no more rallying that turn (forget company commander for a moment, as he's too far away) from the platoon leader. Wouldn't your trucks -and- your 88's benefit more from being in seperate sections? More leaders (two sections instead of one platoon) means 100% more rallies. The only benefit having those trucks in a core 88 truck platoon that I can see is if the leader is a member of one of the 88's, therefore rendering the trucks a slightly greater rally ability over time than a support truck section leader would, BUT, it's real difficult to have 100% improvement, which having an extra leader through another section would bring. I understand, in many cases, not wanting a bunch of sections all over the place to carry out that advantage isn't very desireable, but I am talking only in the case of a useless unit, the truck, that there is actually cases that you are better off having them in support instead.

So to answer the original question, of how to use ammo trucks, my direct answer is to not buy them in core for a start.

Happy hunting.
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