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Old January 28th, 2009, 11:01 AM
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Default Re: Mod in Progress: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells

I just had a long good jog and thought about this mod. I added Mod goals so that I'll make a structured and logical mod. Not just a collection of random spells for random paths.

Originally Posted by Turin
Lots of stuff
Thanks! Many viable ideas.

Originally Posted by Aezeal View Post
I myself think holy/something spells are underrepresented.. holy magic as is is sort of weak. I've tried to make a few holy spells in my shiar mod and I think they work out nice. No real use to post here since they are thematic for that mod only. Soul to stone gives undead only (the 0 prot ethereal beings that nation has) stoneskin in AoE or BF wide variation. Which is nice against magic weapons since else they had no def at all.

Anyway, I'd propose to make holy/nature magic combo's or those 2 with other paths maybe but not give them combat offensive spells but AoE buffs etc etc.
I decided to make this mod as "Vanilla"-friendly as possible and fitting to the Dominions world. Since there are no vanilla crosspath holy spells, I've decided against them.

Perhaps after I've finished the first spells.

Originally Posted by rdonj View Post
More/better healing spells would be nice. For example, enchantment 3 gives you a 10 yard, 3 or so precision spell with aoe 1. That's pretty hard to use under normal conditions. You'd need a fairly durable mage casting that, you can only script it 5 times, and if you've got a mage who can you're almost certainly better off using them for another purpose. Also, I'm not even sure it's possible, but fatigue-reducing spells would be nice. Say a cloud sort of along the same lines as healing mists. You definitely don't want 100 precision long range fatigue restorers though, that would be far too abusable. I'm thinking something more like a lower-level version of Relief that you could use to help counter stellar cascades, or just help keep up some of your better heavy infantry.
I agree. There should be some weapons against fatigue. But this dangereous ground. If you make a single AoE anti-fatique spells that heals say 10 points of fatique, you could just spam it with your mages and have your sacred infatry going on and on and on and on and on..

Originally Posted by Redeyes View Post
If you introduce new spells does the Combat-AI use them?
Yes it will. I've seen this in my Alugra mod. The casting AI was especially fond of the fatique healing "Inner Reserves" spell.
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