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Old January 31st, 2009, 02:01 PM

pyg pyg is offline
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Default Yang: Newbie game EA CoD defaults - Running

Yet Another Newbie Game

It seems as though there is considerable interest by players such as myself transitioning from SP to MP who want to play, but given the depth of the game, are a little intimidated by the potential skill difference of the veterans. It is one thing to read a guide by Baalz and an entirely different thing to think of playing against him. Here is a game for newbies to give it a whirl against other newbies. I am currently [doing poorly] in my first MP game 'Rothfuss' as MA Pangaea.

I'm open to different mods/settings if the majority are also into them, but in SP I started with EA and played many games on Cradle of Dominions (great map) using default settings. My guess is there are other newbies out there who maybe had a similar path and would like to try MP in familiar surroundings.

Early Era
Map: Cradle of Dominions - (11 land starts)
Mods: CBM 1.41
Settings: default + renaming + magic sites 55

1. pyg - Fomoria
2. Alpine Joe - Marverni
3. Redeyes - Mictlan
4. P3D - Sauromatia
5. qio - Vanheim
6. Tolkien - Helheim
7. statttis - Pangaea
8. licker - Tir na n'Og
9. Trumanator - Arcoscephale
10. Quell - Caelum
11. Juffos - Yomi

Last edited by pyg; February 3rd, 2009 at 09:30 AM..
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