Thread: Tip Ba'al and Unrest
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Old April 16th, 2009, 06:03 PM
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Atreidi Atreidi is offline
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Post Ba'al and Unrest

Its been a while that I dont play Dominions and am playing a big map with EA Hinnom. I was surpriced when I saw my capital with almost 200 Unrest with no aparent reason. I had 5 Ba'al in my capital and even though they were patroling the unrest was still high. Once I moved the Ba'als the Unrest eased but it started in the province I moved them to. I had no equipment in any of them.

Now I cant amass an army of Ba'als as I did before because they throw off the Unrest in the provience they are standing in.

How much unrest do they each cause?
Is this new? I dont remember them causing that much unrest.
I am runing the latest conceptual balance mod. (If that makes any difference)
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