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Old April 18th, 2009, 10:12 PM
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Default Re: Madness - 24 players, MA+LA, CBM 1.4 (running)

Well to be fair, it was 1 province, that would have been of direct strategic importance, and that you didn't imagine you'd hold for more than another turn or two anyways.

Honestly, it took so long to wring a final answer out of C'tis (final, meaning a couple of turns of silence, I had to assume he was just ignoring me), that Pan was already half dead. It was about the same turn (can't remember for sure) that I saw TC had airdropped several thugs on you, and I first noticed that someone had finished clearing you out of the caves. Regrettably, that war was all but over, and Caelum was not going to have the chance to contribute to it.

Full disclosure, of the outcomes including going straight to war with TC, or going straight to war with C'tis, or going to war with C'tis and having a buzzard come to pluck my juicy eyes out - I most wanted the first, thought I was stuck with the second, but ended up getting the third.
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