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Old August 14th, 2002, 04:11 PM

sachmo sachmo is offline
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Default Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society

Originally posted by Growltigga:
I have just taken time out to read the whole story again... Sachmo, it is excellent, very creatively written and with just a hint of 'David Weber' I feel in your writing style.. If he can do it, why dont you?
Funny you should mention that... My book is in the planning stages at the moment, but I finally decided to buckle down and write something. To be honest, a lot of credit goes to this forum and SEIV. If I handn't had so much darn fun writing this story, then I might not have ever attempted writing a book!
As far as the similarities with Weber, don't they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?

Originally posted by Growltigga:
The other thing I realise is that I HATE the words 'TO BE CONTINUED'

grumble, moan, whine, whinge, belch, grumble
I sorry you feel that way. May I ask why that bothers you? The reason that I put "to be continued" is so that:

a. I commit myself to continuing the story
b. So people know that it isn't over

I would be very interested to see another POV on the subject, though. Thanks!
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