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Old August 12th, 2009, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: Underwater Gameplay Improvement Mod (UWGIM) v0.8

Originally Posted by BandarLover View Post
So I finally got around to DLing this because I generally don't play the UW nations at all due to the problems you listed in first post. I'll give my thoughts about my upcoming play test later. Instead, I have to ask, is there a difference between the UW Enhancement mod vs. the UW Improvement mod that is lumped into the rar file download. A cursory look thru both DM's shows no noticeable differences.
Ugh. The old version was called "Enchantment" but everyone kept pestering me if it's supposed to be "Enchanment" mod (there's a difference). Knowing my lack of linguistic ability, I just decided to rename it. Apparently the old name stuck on to the MA+LA and the Global version (you'll see that the banner has the correct name). I'll fix it for the next version.

And thanks in advance for the feedback. If the water breathing item change isn't enough, I have some other plans to make water more accessible, like:

1) Revamping some summons to be more amphibious. Like Vine Men for example. They don't breathe, so why can't they go underwater? Same with Bane Lords and many other units. They deserve poor ampihibian tag at least. Why do ghosts have poor amphibian tag? They're ethereal, it's not like matter could hamper them, at least according to all common ghost lore.

2) More summons for UW accessible units (probably to nature, since it's available to everyone through indy shamans). Kelp Men, anyone? Sea Dogs could also be a pure nature summon, IMHO.

3) Turbo-charging water-breathing item access (sea king's goblet to level 0 and cost W1, Barrel of Air level 0 air 1, Manual of Water Breathing level 0 N1). If I get desperate that should do the trick.
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