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Old September 17th, 2009, 03:03 AM
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Default Re: question on Supply trks/depots

Originally Posted by mac5732 View Post
I bought ammo supply trks as part of my core units. When they came on the map, they showed that they did not contain any ammo of any type all 0s. I put out of supply tanks and armored cars next to them and in the same hex for 4 turns and neither of them were resupplied with ammo. I've used supply trks before in the scenerios etc and they always showed how much supply they carried and the units would resupply after several turns, but not this time...
Which game showed you "supply points" for ammo trucks - not this one or any of its variants!. Nor do they have any "ammo" on board, ever - just internal ammo points unavailable to the end user to view. You may well be thinking of some other game?.

"Out of supply" - do you mean that you put units that had depleted ammo in the hex beside the truck?. If so, and they are not suppressed, and are stationary (And if a helo, landed) then the first unit in the listing will start to reload the used ammo from weapon 1 down to 4. (But not smoke or smoke dischargers). Check the ammo numbers after a couple of turns. Once it is topped up, then the ammo will start to load on the next one on the list, and so on. (WinSP games don't have the ability to supply an infinite number of units simultaneously like the old SSI versions.)

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