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Old November 16th, 2009, 10:16 PM
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Default Re: What proportion of infantry to armour do you play with?

Originally Posted by Imp View Post
Originally Posted by PatG View Post
One to three. One infantry coy gets a tank platoon and vice versa with the other support stuff added on top of that.
Good general rule of thumb for mech or armoured brigade certainly for modern era & two to three is possible forces tend to be made up to meet the expected threat. As foot sloggers ATGM vehicles RCL jeeps more the order of the day or WW2 TD though Allies could have a few tanks to as Germans though very rare more like 1-2 Stug per Inf Co. Varies on nation of course playing as Japs Marines or lesser nations WW2 you wont have much armour terrain makes it not that usefull. As a general rule you tend to suffer a lot less if have more infantry than armour in my experience, plus they are cheap.
The trick with WWII, esp the "lesser" armour is to remember what it was designed for - to move MG/guns across swept ground and support the infantry by taking out opposing MGs etc. Hang back and throw HE over the heads of your own squaddies. Yes, German, Russian and late US/Allied armour are a different proposition.

As for the Japanese - stay away from any enemy armour greater than or equal to a Stuart....
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