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Old January 11th, 2010, 06:23 PM
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Starshine_Monarch Starshine_Monarch is offline
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Heart Betelgeuse 2 - Game Finished! - SA CBM game for Blood Nations

Game Specs:

- Single age game

- Map: Shahrivar by Sandra, updated by Sombre
- 11 Players (FULL): Blood nations only. Blood nations are defined by having at least one recruitable mage with Blood as a standard pick. This mage may be capital only, such as the case for MA Pan.

- Game Status page here.

- Llamaserver starting on 24 hour Quickhost and going up from there as needed.

- Delays given as needed. For those of you that need delays please e-mail me. My address is theamazingfightingpeanut[at]hotmail[dot]com. Also, please notify me when you get a sub, are eliminated, or are going to go AI so that I can update this post.

- Mods:
-- Single Age Complete Mod :click:
-- CBM 1.6 :click:
-- Streamers & Standards :click:

- Settings: Magic sites 45, Renaming on. All else default.

- Victory conditions: On turn 60, all remaining players will take a vote here. Vote here for who you think should be named winner or post with an Abstain if you want the game to continue. Any vote for your own nation will count as an abstain. I'll declare the game finished if we can get a nation with at least half of the remaining players' votes. If we can't get a majority, the game continues and we repeat the process on turn 100. If there are only 2 nations left, whoever gets the other guy to surrender first wins.

- Diplomacy policy: Treaties are not unbreakable, so all you have to trust is the other nation's word. Unlike Libra, I will allow conspiring via forum PM or e-mail as needed.


Current Players:

1: Methel: EA Lanka
2: Alpine Joe: EA Niefelheim
3: Pyg: EA Hinnom
4: Agent Smith: EA Sauromatia
5: statttis: LA Marignon
6: Tollund: LA Ulm
7: ghoul31: EA Vanhiem
8: Stagger Lee: LA Bogarus
9: militarist: LA Gath
10: Wrana: EA Helheim
11: michai: LA Utgard

: Playing
: Eliminated
: Gone AI

Last edited by Starshine_Monarch; April 25th, 2010 at 08:33 AM..
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