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Old April 10th, 2010, 10:00 AM

narwan narwan is offline
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Default Re: Artillery observer selection issue

Originally Posted by DRG View Post
When you press H to get to the HQ menu after already having selected B0 you are cancelling your selection of B0.
Hmm, I don't think you're cancelling the selection of the BO unit when entering and exiting the HQ screen. The HQ screen itself has the BO unit already selected when entering and when exiting the HQ screen the B0 unit is still selected as the active unit in the bottom of the screen.
If I left click on a hex the B0 unit moves towards it. If I select the area-firing option it's the B0 unit that fires at the hex. So the B0 unit is still the selected unit after leaving the HQ screen. The only thing you cannot do is use it to call arty, then (and only then) selection reverts to the A0 unit.

Originally Posted by DRG View Post

If you unload E0 then go through your procedure then secect E0 from the HQ menu when you exit and press B you will have E0 as the spotter just as you would IF you had selected B0 from the HQ menau instead of doing nothing


You're adding a step there by selecting the E0 unit in the HQ screen. If I unload the E0 unit, go to the HQ screen, then exit (or click only the show/hide formations ID button and then exit), the E0 will still be the active unit. If I then select B selection reverts to the A0 unit. It's the same as my example above for the B0 unit. No different.

Just to be clear, when entering the HQ screen I'm not selecting any unit in the HQ screen itself! I only go there to click the show/hide button.

BTW I tried this with scenario 238 as there are no loaded units there to complicate things. Same results.

I can reselect the B0 unit and then go the artillery screen and plot arty with it. So that is a simple workaround if and when this happens. However, when I first encountered this I was in the middle of a turn and that workaround did not work. It was the first thing I tried but the artillery screen kept selecting the A0 whatever I did. Apparantly something else complicated things. I don't know what but I only got out of it by saving the game and then reloading.
In that game I had gone to the HQ screen early in the turn to make it show the formation ID's. I did all sorts of stuff afterwards and near the end I wanted to plot my arty and selected the B0 observer unit. And this problem appeared. So somehow it did 'remember' it all through the turn.

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