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Old May 28th, 2010, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: Land Rand - Jotunheim Wins!

Oh, and I agree about Pasha's anti luck scales. It's hard wired into his computer alright

Just to be safe I ain't taking luck anymore in a MP game.

Calahan, I also agree re. leap of faith.

Sometimes it's not possible though.
In YARG I really really wanted to throw everything aside and just try to stop the leader (Van). I even let my enemy (Ctis) 1-2 free turns to attack me w/o retaliation (when it was clear that Van is gonna win). But Ctis interpreted that as a sign of weakness instead of "I offer you peace so I could at least try to stop Van, and you should consider doing the same your self".
He came at me all the harder and I couldn't until the last turn of the game disengage and try to stop the winner.
In same game Patala had a good sized empire but just sat tight and let Van get away with the game.

I think the tweaks should also focus on striving to have a more homogeneous competency lvl for the players.
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