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Old June 11th, 2010, 11:24 AM
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Default Re: (Brainstorming) Steam-punk

Originally Posted by DrPraetorious View Post
Every single nation gets to recruit sacred, resource intensive, KILLER ROBOTS. For reasons that are the same as why-blood-magic-works, all KILLER ROBOTS are piloted by young girls.

Killer robots typically have modest magic powers (nominally their pilots do) for use in self-buffing, and some slots for weapons and misc. items.

Deceased nations - C'tis (folded into Pythium), Pangaea (folded into Arcoscephale - or could exist, but would have to be autospawn only), Utgard (folded into Midgard).

The nations would be -
Abysia: All human-bred now. Giant robots look like scaled-up demonbred.

Agartha: Now underwater. The land agarthans are extinct, but wet-ones remain. Generally stealthy.

Arcoscephale: Gets a few pangaea and oceania units, either recruitable or summoned.a giant 3headed doglike robot goes here, maybe slap a saint seya summon spell

Atlantis: Returned beneath the waves, but must surface to obtain sacrifices for their blood god. Has a mixture of mictlan-type and LA atlantis-type troops. Giant robots have an aztec "frog" theme.i think the disney movie "atlantis" is a perfect source here

Bandar Log: All monkeys, all the time, with 6 armed robots.

Bogarus: Their robots are big, clunky and soviet. Don't ask.

Caelum: Most native Caelumites are now wingless, but their *robots* (and a few other units, now all sacred) have wings.

Ermor: Is now full of more friendly, recruited undead. Dominion still kills population, but more slowly (like pre-patch R'lyeh.) No dominion spawn but has numerous freespawners, animaters, etc. Giant robots are made of bones, naturally, and piloted by vampire girls.

Gath: Robots are named things like "Goliath class" and so forth.

Jomon: Robot samurai, mainly. The robot dragons are capital only. You knew this was coming.

Marignon: Has *red* robots with giant crosses on them. These robots shoot fire.not a warhammer expert, but there isn't a relygious fanatic army with robots?

Man: Has *green* robots with giant crosses on them. These robots are faster.

Mictlan: Think "seven cities of gold", that is, giant gold flying feathered-serpent robots. Doesn't do blood sacrifice. Yes, I know that's Incan. Sue me.

Midgard: Has *invisible* (that is, glamoured) giant robots. Spells are available to summon giants (who can then fight robots.)

Pythium: Robots are serpent-themed. Get's the LA C'tis undead summons (C'tisians are extinct.)

R'lyeh: Driven into caves (that is, on land). All recruitable again, gets a mix of human-type agarthans (many of them devolved into Moorlocks), and of star-spawn hybrids.

T'ien Ch'i: Ruled by blood-magic wielding eunuchs. Robots look rather classically like Ogres.

Ulm: Has *blue* robots with giant crosses on them. These robots are tougher.Fullmetal alchemist is something i suggest look into
this is a wonderful idea, but i have a question
1)steampunk theme means a)robots or b)robots plus trains, machineguns, bombs(i'm looking at you, arcanum)?
i wrote some ideas, maybe they are no robot friendly, but i think robot eveywhere maybe boring
Please, do not pretend me to draw, the one-eyed, armless, drunken monkey who is teaching me to draw says i will never be able to.

Emo worm's summons
Prydain, deathborn kingdom
Nameless city expansion pack feat. swan's herd
Venexia, the most serene republic
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