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.com.unity Forums - View Single Post - Balanced Nations
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Old August 21st, 2010, 06:48 PM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Balanced Nations

Originally Posted by OmikronWarrior View Post
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Actually, LA TC is the powerhouse on that list, followed by Agartha. LA TC is probably the 2nd most powerful LA nation, after Mictlan.
You would put TC and Agartha ahead of R'lyeh and Ermor in the LA? They are my 1 and 2 respectively. Of course, maybe that was one of those things that go without saying.
LA R is a middle-of-the-road nation at best. They have bad expansion and quickly run out of cash to buy the mages which you run on. Then ~1/3 of their freespawn is absolutely worthless tritons. Oh yeah, and did i mention that their freespawn costs money in upkeep? With their population dying like flies, its really hard for LA R to keep a steady income to supply their mage needs. LA R is not powerful.

LA E isn't that powerful. They're only powerful if you play with a bunch of n00bs. They've got a weak early game, and they have a hard time keeping up with mages because they have to spend gems for all their mages, and their mages aren't even notably efficient in cost. LQs provide more RPs per gem than Dusk Elders or even Spectators. For comparison, a Mg0 LQ is as efficient (gems/RP) as a Spectator under Mg3. So LA E just loses the research war. Then pop Solar Brilliance and watch ermor's armies disintegrate. LA E is only overpowered when it can break combat mechanics by having too many units. Of course, Flames from the Sky fixes that problem, as will Solar Brilliance given enough time. (Kill enough units and the over-abundance of units will cease existing and stop breaking combat). And undead are not exactly good units, so you have time. Oh yeah, and should ermor happen to rout, all those undead remaining go poof.

LA Mictlan and LA TC are vastly more powerful than LA E. Its not even close.
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