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Old September 6th, 2010, 01:45 PM

DragonRider DragonRider is offline
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Default Re: Boot Camp - Newbie intro to Dominions MP - Recruiting!

Originally Posted by Valerius View Post
Marignon is a pretty good substitute for Pythium. Not as strong, but you have decent astral and the same angelic summons available. I don't think they need an awake SC to expand so I'd save the points and go with the rainbow (a light bless, especially N4, would be nice).
The problem is that I don't really know what to do with a rainbow pretender. There's site searching, I guess, and of course casting rituals or forging items with the paths that your national mages can't use (i.e. pretty much all of them for Marignon), but I don't really know too much about which rituals are most worth casting. It's pretty clearly the best choice, though; the window of opportunity between getting Alteration 3 and pushing a Virtue/Titan/Lady of Love/whatever out the door and getting access to Harbingers who do the same job as well or better would be kind of narrow.

Really, my biggest weakness right now is that I don't think I site-search enough and I don't make enough use of the gems I do have, so I'm not sure if going for a rainbow pretender will force me to learn or just leave me with a pretender that I'm totally incapable of using correctly. If I can get past that, though, I think I'm leaning a bit more towards Marignon, if only because I can look at their troop lineup and have a reasonably clear idea of what I should be doing. Arcoscephale looks like more of a grab bag of random magic which, interesting as it is, would probably just confuse me at this point.
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