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Old December 7th, 2010, 08:11 AM
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Ragnars Wolves Ragnars Wolves is offline
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Default Global clarification

I have 2 questions about Globals that may be in the manual or wiki (but I sure can't find a CLEAR answer)and could use some clarification.

1. Can the same caster cast more than 1 global (I know it is probably not a good idea but just want to make sure)?

2.This is a little more complicated....In a game I tried to cast a Global with 125 gems. All 5 slots were full, but I KNOW for a fact that 1 global up there was cast using 60 gems. I was NOT trying to override the existing global, but rather cast a new one.

My Global failed costing me 125 gems, my pride at being sooooo smart to ace him out, and a need to rethink my whole strategy.

So my question is...does the casting of a global hone in on the lowest gem total of an existing global, and if not...WHY NOT? It seems ridiculous that it would pick a random global to try and override. Once the slots are full you could actually override your own global by 'random' choice.

Lets take a minor spell like Stellar Focus, you only get 5 S gems a turn from it so putting more than 50 or 60 into it is not real bright (in my estimation anyway) except in the early stages of a game. So with that thought in mind, if I wanted to cast another global after that I can't target that EVEN if I know exactly how many gems are in it because it is my own global.

Could someone explain how this works (and if they know the logic behind it, I would be interested in that also)

Thanks...this has been bugging me all day.
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