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.com.unity Forums - View Single Post - Trying to improve my MA Abyssia Pretender Design
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Old December 20th, 2010, 05:28 AM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Trying to improve my MA Abyssia Pretender Design

Originally Posted by DeadlyShoe View Post
Didn't say you should base a national strategy around them, i just said they wern't crap. Even with just a +3 strength bless, which I think is pretty common for Abyssia, they hit 20 str in a heat 3 province. 23 with Berserk. So 2 29-damage attacks at 16 AS, optimally. 18 AS against shields (if I understand the morningstar bonus correctly). That's without considering Rush of Strength and the like.

And how much do they need shields themselves? They're immune to flaming arrows and have high enough protection to mostly ignore regular arrows.

Granted they are expensive, I agree, perhaps too expensive. But there's not much else to do with your cap resources.
17 defense isn't that high. Ask MA Ulm how useful it is in keeping troops alive. And they acquire fatigue fast enough that even indies are a threat (especially given the numbers you can field them in). Lava warriors are *unplayable* without E9.

Attack damage is all well and good if you can *hit* anything, which given all their attacks are at 10, well, half of those are missing outright against most indies, and most of the other half are hitting shields (which gives the indie some 24+ protection unless its militia). So now you're expected to do <1 damage with the average 'hit'. But even so, a strength bless is *not* what they want. Tough sacreds want to outlast the opposition (reinvigoration, regeneration, +protection), not kill it quickly.

And can ignore arrows, lol. 17 protection does not let you ignore arrows, shields let you ignore arrows. And pray your opponents don't bring xbows. (Fire arrows are still magical, btw, and thus still improve the chances the arrow will hit, they just won't deal fire damage, oh noes).

Seriously, i'd rather have 4 humanbred than 1 lava warrior, which is about even on resources and *cheaper* (iirc) on gold.
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