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Old September 21st, 2011, 10:00 AM
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Tim Brooks Tim Brooks is offline
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Post Beta Testers Wanted

If you’re interested in becoming a beta tester for the Total Eclipse game system you must meet the following requirements:
  • Need to have a group to play with. Can’t really solo this. The ideal Total Eclipse group is four players, but as with any RPG the gamemaster can tweak for his or her group.
  • This is a purely digital product and not available in dead tree form. You must be able to use PDFs. Additionally, since this is specifically formatted towards smart phones and tablet computers owning either or both of these devices is a big plus.
  • No set experience level. Whether you can’t tell the difference between a d12 and a d20, or you remember the days of the white box, it’s all fine. This is a very newbie friendly game system.
Beta testing duties will be to play the game and report on your results. Easy and fun enough work. Note, this will mean that you’ll have to do some of your own adventures, create characters, et cetera. Since Total Eclipse has been around for quite some time prior to official publication we do not anticipate a long beta period.

Just post here if interested in testing. Thanks!
Tim Brooks
Shrapnel Games
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