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Old September 26th, 2011, 01:40 PM
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Default Re: MA Mod Nation Combined Game - Testing Grounds - Running


it was a really good game. I enjoyed it very much.
I really like Svarogia and will try to give some feedback on the things I used.

- The Osenja is great. She is especially good in the beginning when no one has researched anti magic. I used her for expansion and to crush my first adversary without a sweat. I took magic 3 scale specifically for her. It lowers magic resistance when someone tries to invade my dominion and she becomes the most cost effective researcher. She needs to be nerfed however. I didn't really use her for stealth communions with the Navi and the White Vila though as you probably intended.
- Troops. I thought the best troop was the Svarogian rider. fast and cheap. With the enslave mind from the Osenja that was enough for the early game. Had I encountered heavily armored guys with not a lot of ranged I would have bought some Haiduk Beserkers but with the adversaries I encountered they died to much. I didn't take a nice bless so I can't comment on the Ancestral warriors.
- I didn't use a lot of summons. They didn't seem worth it, or I must have missed some uses for them except for one. The Ala. Like I said on the threat at Dom3Mods she is great. A portable staff of storm on a great chassis.
- The Moria and other stealth units are not worth their price I think. I did have a lot of problems finding good scouts and the one you get to recruit as a nation sucks with only stealth 5. Even then the Moria with stealth 0 would only be worth it if she would actually disease enemy units in a province and not only kill population.
- The Vampir is a very nice bloodhunter. immortal and auto summons nice undead units. It should have been my spamming goal from the start. You want dozens of them. Would I play again with Svarogia I would go for them with an endgame goal of Utterdark.
- The Navi has something. But I'm not sure how to use them effective. I'm really interested in how you viewed their roll when you created them.

That's all that's coming to my mind now. I probably have more comments when certain subject are brought up.
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