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Old October 5th, 2011, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: Adept's Balance Mod 1.00 ready

Originally Posted by Adept View Post
You missed it the first time I guess. All they need to do is pick up an item that let's the cast a spell, and they are neutralised. A fury that picks up a skull amulet will sit in place, summoning one skeleton / turn.

I _like_ the Kindly Ones spell. It's very atmospheric and can be quite effective. What I don't like is the creatures being neutralised by such sillyness, especially as it's this easy to fix.
Skull amulets? Who even uses those? On valid kindly targets I would expect more powerful stuff. (actually, I would expect no spellcastable items, these are usually used by non casters, mages have their own magical power.

I think you are solving a problem that simply does not happen in normal games.

I've gone for a combination of getting closer to historical weapons in effectiveness, and making sure that better weapons have higher res cost. It's not very important as weapon res costs in Dominions are rather low anyway compared to those of armour. Still it has some effect, and at least one can now get a bit more use out of polearms.
So, you want historical effectiveness, but use resources as balance? You understand you are getting your messages a bit mixed here.

Well it doesn't really matter that much. defense +2 or defense +1 does not matter when you get hit in the face with a frost blast, burn yourself to death on a banefire aura. Get killed by an earthquake, get eaten by a skrattir in werewolf form. Or any of the other milions of ways normal troops are obsolete from turn 12 onward.
I'm acting like a high school girl /\
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