Thread: Danish TO & E
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Old January 7th, 2012, 08:32 AM

Palle Palle is offline
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Default Re: Danish TO & E

The Danes that have decided to be soldiers have always been good at it. WWII was a disgrace to many (the ignorants who did not know the political situation in the 30-ies here), yet the most decorated foreigner in English service during that disgrace was Danish SBS member Anders Lassen.

Anyways, many saw 9th of April as a disgrace and despite various socialist opposition and NATO Footnotes, the core of the Danish Military after WWII was highly motivated and professional. Many civilians looked down on us a bit and thought that a Defence was a waste of time and money, including some politicians. Though our colleagues in other NATO countries knew better. They still had to wonder why the pascifist, lazy and often critical Danish draftees would consistently do well in maneuvres, etc..

And in "Operation Bøllebank" everybody's eyes were suddenly opened to the fact that we have a highly competent military. The secret is the general high level of education and encouragement of independent thinking permeating Danish society; including the army. It is the way we are, we think for ourselves, and the armed forces have conveniently adapted the German WWII doctrine that every one knows the plan and can carry it out and everyone is encouraged to think for themselves to actually solve their tasks. The armed forces have had to, for that is how Danes are, so best exploit that trait. We often used to joke that the points of the Chevrons pointed at the most important weapon of that nation's armed forces; the Danish ones pointed up- towards the head, most others' pointed down- towards the feet.

I rant, but I like our military.

One that usually does not mothball equipment, but sells it back to the original producer, BTW. There is very little old equipment lying around here.

Anyway, feel free to catch me here or on FB; I tend to sometimes disappear from game fora for months. And I have the redoubtable Lars R. Møller on my friends list as well as Lars Ulslev Johannesen, who led 1st LOPKESK in Musa Quala.
"Deliver us - Oh Lord - from the fury of the Norsemen"
-French prayer, late 9th Century

Proud to be Danish!
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