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Old June 13th, 2012, 09:11 AM

Action Action is offline
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Action is on a distinguished road
Question How long is a medium sized (details inside) battle taking you guys to finish?

I've been playing a Long Campaign and I'm enjoying it, but I seem to be taking a long time to finish each battle. I'm curious to see if I'm somehow playing slowly or if it's normal for it to take this long.

How long would it take you to play this battle?

Meeting engagement, 1939, Germany vs Poland.

Two companies of regular infantry each with attached medium machine guns (x2), 80 mm mortars (x3), 3.7 mm anti tank guns (x3), anti tank rifles (x2), 150 mm infantry guns (x2), light flak (x2), armored cars (x2) and halftracks (x4).

One company of tanks, 8x Pz II, 6x Pz IV, x3 Pz III.

One security company with attached medium machine guns (x3), 75mm infantry guns (x2) and half tracks (x4)and a couple platoons of AUX motorcycle troops

vs randomly generated, infantry heavy Polish force with 125% of my points? (I can't currently see my point value, but I'm guessing it was about 2500-3000.)

It's looking like it will take about 8 hours to finish.

I've turned down the message settings and animations quite a bit, so the delay between shots isn't very high anymore, although it still takes at least 20 seconds to fire off all the shots from a unit with a lot of machine guns. Maybe 30 seconds if I'm Z firing a lot.

Taking the objectives and smashing the Polish tank force was relatively quick, but mopping up all those large Polish squads requires advancing carefully, one square at a time, after a lot of Z-fire and bombardments. I presume that I should be clearing them out, rather than sitting and holding the objective?

Is it customary to play smaller forces in long campaigns? Perhaps I have too many support units? Figuring out what support team to reposition with the half tracks takes a lot of time.

The other thing that takes a lot of time is making sure nobody got missed. I go through once from top to bottom, coordinating each area of advance, then cycle through again with the "Next" key to make sure no units were missed.

Any guidance you can provide would be appreciated, I think I'm probably doing something wrong.
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