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Old January 10th, 2015, 02:07 AM

jivemi jivemi is offline
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Default Re: Favorite Modern Campaigns and Scenarios for WinSPMBT

Welcome back prodigal son! The only WP vs NATO scenarios I played were #33, Blackhorse! and #143, Soviet Glory. Both are very good IMO.

Blackhorse is a screening delay by US armored cavalry. You're supposed to fall back while inflicting casualties on advancing hordes of Soviet armor and motorized infantry. Unfortunately I lingered too long in most places and wound up reclaiming VH's using surviving infantry playing hide-and-seek with Red Army armor in the last town on the southern map-edge. Not very heroic but I did manage to eke out a marginal win what with all the Russian wreckage littering the roads and landscape, which far outnumbered my own. On a second try I'd be considerably more respectful of enemy firepower, keeping a much greater distance between them and my guys, plus be especially careful with ammo expenditure over 35 turns.

Soviet Glory is a meeting engagement with West Germany. As usual in such scenarios I rushed forward with all due caution to grab unclaimed (plus one Wessie) objectives on my side of the stream. After that I managed to cross one bridge and gain a foothold on the western side, getting lucky with infantry against enemy attack helos at one point. From then on it was a matter of slowly expanding my "bridgehead" while beating off counterattacking Wessies. You don't get any artillery in this so it's all up to the frontline grunts and tankers. Despite losing several tanks the Sovs--along with a depleted Ossie infantry company--took all objectives and destroyed enough enemy equipment to secure a DV. Now that was fun!

Hope this helps you out a little. Cheers and happy gaming!
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